From Julia - The Joy of Movement is the heart of Nia. When we honor our bodies and move authentically in our own body's way we experience the Joy of Movement.
For myself, I look forward to Nia because it feels wonderful for my body and it brings joy to my spirit. The class leaves me more energized than when I walk in and can improve my attitude if I come to class stressed. I always leave class in a better state than when I arrived. I guess I'm addicted!
From Allison - Take a kid to the beach and no matter how cold the water is - they jump in! Walk a child through a forest and they'll leap up to see if they can touch the low branches. A child finds joy in moving their body. A child isn't reluctant to move in order to get what they want or to have fun. At some point, many of us lost our spontaneous movement; we forgot the "joy of movement."
Or call at 303.522.4740
Nia classes in Castle Rock. Serving the south Denver metro area.
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