Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Learn Nia Steps Online: "The Cross Behind"

Commentary by Sandy Enke, Certified Nia Instructor for Castle Rock Nia Fitness Studio

One of Nia's 52 Moves, The Cross-Behind, reminds me to embrace the Joy of Level 1 in my movement. Cross Behind involves bringing one foot in a small "x" behind the other foot.
Often, when the music invites us to move bigger, my students' and I "x" gets bigger and the body leans to one side or the other, thereby creating knee and hip complaints when I overextend.

To energize the Cross Behind move, focus on:

(1) using one of Nia's 9 Movement Forms to energize your arm movements as Helen Terry suggests, such as Tai Chi, Tae Kwon Do, Jazz or Duncan Dance; or

(2) moving energy upwards, as opposed to sideways, in the body (imagine a string is pulling your head and skeleton upward). Alternatively, when moving downward in Cross Behind, imagine the tailbone leading you down to activate healing in the low back.

Remember: keep the "x" small whenever possible. Less is more. Have fun with this move!

- from Sandy

Stay Tuned for More Virtual Nia...
Here you can learn Nia online, a Virtual Nia studio, if you will. These videos are presented by a very dear woman, Helen Terry. Helen is a Nia trainer (she trains Nia teachers and leads personal development seminars that are Nia based). She is a great person to learn from because she's been practicing Nia for a long time and she is very enthusiastic about Nia. If you ever have a chance to take her classes or trainings, I highly recommend it. She is so funny that I've decided that her idea of an abs workout is to be so funny that you sides ache. - from Allison

Castle Rock Nia Fitness Studio
Do you have questions about this class? Do you wonder if it is right for you? You are welcome to take a Nia class for free to see if it is right for your fitness routine.

Request a Coupon for a FREE Nia Class or call us at 303-522-4740

Listen to the music and see what Nia is like, watch a Nia video.

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