Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dancing through Life

Understanding the fundamentals of Nia Dance Fitness, continued...

The Thirteen Principles of Nia (a 13 part series)
Principle Five, Part 2: Awareness and Dancing Through Life

Principle 5 is about living in the present, about having all 5 senses turned on and about paying attention. Last month we addressed the pain half of Awareness this month we look at the pleasure half of the principle.

Commentary by Julia Desmond,Certified Nia Instructor

Pleasure : a state of gratification, a source of delight or joy

The pleasure half of Awareness consists of three parts: Dancing through Life, Living Meditation and Life as Art. Dancing through Life is the active portion of this Nia triad. It teaches that all movement is dance and when we take time to make every movement a conscious act we can begin to choose pleasure over pain. Movement can become a source of delight for the body. In class, play with the various movements. Can you find different ways to do the same movement that brings you pleasure? Try stretching in a new way, deepening or intensifying the move and sense how your body reacts.

Living Meditation on the other hand addresses stillness. It is the practice of stopping and waiting. With practice, the mind and emotions can be stilled as easily as the body. When we achieve stillness we become centered and can truly listen and see. Before class take a moment to close your eyes and be still - simply listen as the music starts, when moving notice the body parts that aren’t moving. Start to appreciate the moments of stillness in your busy life.

The third portion of this triad is Life as Art. This corner of the triad is about perception and inspiration. What is beauty, art or dance? It is easy to be inspired by the beauty all around us in Colorado. What is more difficult but just as important is to find the beauty of and find inspiration in the simple movements we go through every day. As I sit here typing this paragraph I notice my fingers are doing their own small dance on the keys. Before Nia and the awareness principle I would have simply said I am typing.

Dancing through Life helps us to be more aware of all that we physically do in this life. Enjoy every movement made during the day and chose to make it pleasurable. Make time to be still and centered. Realize that beauty, art and inspiration is all around merely waiting to be recognized.

Commentary by Allison Frederick Nia Studio owner/operator

Fall is a great time to learn how to "Dance through Life." The streets are lined with vibrant splashes of red, orange, gold, and yellow. Fallen leaves crunch below our feet. The air is crisp and the sun is bright. For me, my senses are heightened during the fall and it is the experience of heightened senses that is a goal of Nia.

Nia is about appreciation, and in this case, it is appreciation of our world around us. Instead of just "getting through the day," Debbie Rosas (co-founder of Nia) encourages us all to "dance through life." In Nia class we may relevĂ© and the teacher will encourage you to visualize taking an item off the top shelf of a closet so that as you raise up onto one leg and stretch forward, your mind does so with a sense of purpose rather than to simply move for movement’s sake. Another Nia exercise is the "sink and pivot table wipe" where you drop your knees a bit and pivot your arms around your body as if you are wiping the table. We suggest everyday activity visualizations in class to introduce the flow of brining daily life into our Nia routine and to apply our Nia routine into our daily life.

During the fall season, I feel as if I am walking through a Van Gogh painting. Compared to what I normally see and experience the colors are larger than life. Even though I feel it is surreal, in reality I am face to face with the explosive beautiful reality of nature and life. The feeling, as if I am walking though a painting, is a lot like dancing through life. I am not visibly swaying as I walk as I would if I was actually dancing but my gait is different because I am walking with acute sensory awareness. I am noticing life as it is happening. I am appreciating the world around me and this appreciation leads me to actually dance through life rather than to simply move for movement's sake.

How will you learn how to dance through life? The book, The Nia Technique provides these helpful suggestions to get you started.

1. Move and particularly notice one part of your body, and pay attention to what you are doing, how you are doing it.

2. Say to yourself: I am slowing down and paying attention to what I sense, connecting to the sensory impulses I receive.

3. I am becoming aware of my touch, how I stand, how I feel, what I think, what I smell, what I hear, what I see, and what I perceive as art.

4. I am connected to everything going on inside and outside of me, energetically connected to my body and my world.*

*p. 281, from the fitness book The Nia Technique

More articles on The Thirteen Principles of Nia
Principle One: The Joy of Movement"Joy is the primary sensation you should seek from all movement. If you momentarily lose joy, tweak your movement until joy again arises." *

Principle Two: Natural Time and the Movement Forms"All of your Nia movements are done in your own personal, natural sense of time and include movements and energy from nine classic forms." *

Principle Three: Music and the BBC System "Nia is practiced to the sounds and silences of music, using an eight-beat counting (BBC) system (1 - and, 2 - and, 3 - and, 4 - and, 5 - and...) to organize the movements." *

Principle Four: FreeDance"Anything goes movement-wise. Let go of structure.

Principle Five: Awareness and Dancing through Life"In Nia, you become aware that every movement in life is a dance and that every movement can be used to self-heal."

Part 2 of Principle Five: Dancing through Life

*Nia Principle descriptions are taken directly from the fitness book "The Nia Technique: The High-Powered Energizing Workout that Gives You a New Body and a New Life" by Debbie Rosas and Carlos Rosas.

Castle Rock Nia Fitness Studio
Do you have questions about this class? Do you wonder if it is right for you? You are welcome to take a Nia class for free to see if it is right for your fitness routine.

Request a Coupon for a FREE Nia Class or call us at 303-522-4740

Listen to the music and see what Nia is like, watch a Nia video.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Learn Nia Steps Online: "The Cross Behind"

Commentary by Sandy Enke, Certified Nia Instructor for Castle Rock Nia Fitness Studio

One of Nia's 52 Moves, The Cross-Behind, reminds me to embrace the Joy of Level 1 in my movement. Cross Behind involves bringing one foot in a small "x" behind the other foot.
Often, when the music invites us to move bigger, my students' and I "x" gets bigger and the body leans to one side or the other, thereby creating knee and hip complaints when I overextend.

To energize the Cross Behind move, focus on:

(1) using one of Nia's 9 Movement Forms to energize your arm movements as Helen Terry suggests, such as Tai Chi, Tae Kwon Do, Jazz or Duncan Dance; or

(2) moving energy upwards, as opposed to sideways, in the body (imagine a string is pulling your head and skeleton upward). Alternatively, when moving downward in Cross Behind, imagine the tailbone leading you down to activate healing in the low back.

Remember: keep the "x" small whenever possible. Less is more. Have fun with this move!

- from Sandy

Stay Tuned for More Virtual Nia...
Here you can learn Nia online, a Virtual Nia studio, if you will. These videos are presented by a very dear woman, Helen Terry. Helen is a Nia trainer (she trains Nia teachers and leads personal development seminars that are Nia based). She is a great person to learn from because she's been practicing Nia for a long time and she is very enthusiastic about Nia. If you ever have a chance to take her classes or trainings, I highly recommend it. She is so funny that I've decided that her idea of an abs workout is to be so funny that you sides ache. - from Allison

Castle Rock Nia Fitness Studio
Do you have questions about this class? Do you wonder if it is right for you? You are welcome to take a Nia class for free to see if it is right for your fitness routine.

Request a Coupon for a FREE Nia Class or call us at 303-522-4740

Listen to the music and see what Nia is like, watch a Nia video.

New Saturday Nia Exercise Classes

Introducing New Saturday Morning Classes
Party & Class on October 31st, 2009
8:15 am - 9:15 am

Free Class for Everyone

Pre-Register and You Will Receive 20% Off our 10 Punch Cards!

In appreciation for you celebrating the launch of our Saturday morning classes, we would like to offer a significant savings on Nia classes.
(This is the last offer for a significant savings on the punch cards.)

It is simple to receive this special offer. Simply pre-register for the class on
October 31st, then come to class and you will receive 20% off a 10 punch Nia card.

*Cards must be purchased on this day. There is no limit to number of cards purchased.

Join us on Saturday and you will also qualify for other prizes including:
1. Five Free Nia Classes (for someone who hasn't purchased a punch card with us before, but perhaps you've already tried a free class)

2. Some kind of tasty (Halloween) treat, Harry & David perhaps?

3. Nia music CD


Castle Rock Nia Fitness Studio
Do you have questions about this class? Do you wonder if it is right for you? You are welcome to take a Nia class for free to see if it is right for your fitness routine.

Request a Coupon for a FREE Nia Class or call us at 303-522-4740

Listen to the music and see what Nia is like, watch a Nia video.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Body Awareness Exercise - Principle 5 of Nia

"We are wired to be fully aware."
from the Nia teacher and personal development guide: White Belt Manual

Commentary by Julia Desmond, Certified Nia Instructor

Principle 5 is actually consists of two parts. One half is the awareness of pain in the body and the use of stimulation to promote self healing. The second half is the awareness of pleasure that leads us to "Dance Through Life." This month I will focus on the awareness of pain and our ability to self heal.

This principle has been a powerful one for me personally. I suffered a misalignment of my hips after the birth of my daughter. I went through physical therapy and eventually realigned my body. However for many years later I had chronic hip pain. It wasn't until I took the White Belt training that I realized I had gotten into a peculiar bad habit that was exacerbating my injury.

As I learned to be more aware of my body I came to the astounding realization that I was driving with my right hip in the air. I have since worked quite diligently to keep that hip on the seat and as a result I am pain free, a state that just a year ago I wouldn't have believed possible. Whenever, the pain returns I know that I need to check that (difficult, quite set in its ways) hip and make a slight correction.

Awareness is a dynamic process. It is only possible in the present and therefore is constantly changing. We are rarely aware of sensation in our bodies unless we are in a state of discomfort or pain. Pain signals the need to change the body's movement or alignment. Awareness is not about judging ourselves but about gathering information about our bodies. With this awareness we can then set about making small changes in our movement that improve our balance and alignment. Use stimulation, either movement or relaxation, to encourage healing. Ideally this process is a daily occurrence. We check in with our bodies when we wake up in the morning and adjust how we do the little things in life, just like I monitor my hip as I drive.

In class this principle should be employed so you don’t accidently cause an injury to yourself. If a movement hurts or even causes a slight twinge, the movement should be modified or stopped. Check in with the instructor to see if you are doing the movement correctly. Principle 5 is about choices. It is choosing to be aware of our bodies, sensing what needs to heal and stimulating the area in order to achieve healing.

Commentary by Allison FrederickNia Studio owner/operator
Julia's story demonstrates the complex benefits of the Nia philosophy. One healing art contributing to Nia is Feldenkrais. Feldenkrais focuses on retraining our brains to break physical habits that are causing our body pain. For Julia, it was in the way she was holding her hips and standing. For those suffering from knee problems, it may be that they walk with their feet pivoted out to the side rather than being aligned in a forward position. Sometimes we hold our bodies in such subtle, yet destructive ways which over time lead to painful conditions. We might say "I have a bad knee," instead of saying, "I have a bad way of walking." Becoming aware of what our body is doing is the first step towards self healing. How do we stand, sit, walk, do Nia?

Do you have any sensations of pain in your body? If so, when do you feel them? Watch how your body does a certain activity. Can you guess whether you are causing the problem through poor body mechanics? Below is a 10 minute video explaining the core philosophy of Feldenkrais. The good news for us is that Nia incorporates the best of Feldenkrais with other healing arts and other exercises to create one comprehensive exercise that can be used to burn calories, tone your body, give you a cardio vascular workout, and self heal.

Castle Rock Nia Fitness Studio
Do you have questions about this class? Do you wonder if it is right for you? You are welcome to take a Nia class for free to see if it is right for your fitness routine.

Request a Coupon for a FREE Nia Class or call us at 303-522-4740

Listen to the music and see what Nia is like, watch a Nia video.